Pub TV 4K
Top subscription service
Pub TV 4K provides access to more than 20,000 live television channels, featuring sports, news, an Electronic Program Guide (EPG), pay-per-view (PPV) events, films, and Video on Demand (VOD) options, all delivered in stunning 4K/UHD resolution with a reliability promise of 99% uptime.

Best Pricing
Best quality at an unbeatable price, we’re dedicated to ensuring you’re completely delighted with your experience!
All Devices
Compatible with All devices and applications, including MAG, STB, Android, iOS, PC, Smart TVs, FireStick, Xtream…
Support 24/7
Technicians available 24/7 to assist via live chat and WhatsApp support.
Easy to set up
If you’re new to this and feeling a bit lost, feel free to reach out to us or check out our tutorials page for simple, step-by-step guidance.
The Best Plans You Can Find
12 Months
£ 49.95
-30% Discount !
- +19.000 Channels
- +90.000 VOD
- %99.99 Uptime
- Without Freezing
- Android,PC,SmartTv..
- 24/7 Support
6 Months
£ 35.95
25% Discount !
- +19.000 Channels
- +90.000 VOD
- %99.99 Uptime
- Without Freezing
- Android,PC,SmartTv..
- 24/7 Support
3 Months
£ 24.95
20% Discount !
- +19.000 Channels
- +90.000 VOD
- %99.99 Uptime
- Without Freezing
- Android,PC,SmartTv..
- 24/7 Support
1 Months
£ 11.95
5% Discount !
- +19.000 Channels
- +90.000 VOD
- %99.99 Uptime
- Without Freezing
- Android,PC,SmartTv..
- 24/7 Support
99,000 video-on-demand (VOD) channels and streaming movie options.
TV Series
Top Television Shows and Series for 2025 and Throughout History
Every top-tier sports network and exclusive pay-per-view World Cup matches.